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Successful talent acquisition is a lot more than just "recruiting."  And an AI-based process that consumes resumes and social media feeds isn't going to suddenly build you a properly skilled workforce.  

  • AI-written job descriptions that aren't grounded in actual work analysis and a company's role architecture can result in a skills mismatch and both employee and manager frustration
  • Keywords on resumes don't equal actual knowledge, skills and abilities
  • AI doesn't eliminate bias; instead it can speed up the propagation of the inherent biases that are unintentionally built into the various AI large language models

So how can you optimize the enormous productivity gains from using AI tools while leveraging the right amount of human oversight in your TA process? During this session we will discuss this balance to help you:

  • DESIGN your process to effectively identify the true requirements and differentiators of success in a role
  • BUILD the mechanisms that measure critical skills/competencies required upon entry into targeted roles
  • TRAIN both the TA professionals and the hiring managers on the proper use of tools and how to interpret results

And of course, your Compliance department wants to verify there is proper human oversight on any "black box" AI system to ensure that all parts of the talent acquisition process are implemented in a fair, unbiased and legally defensible manner. 

We'll explore some real-world scenarios.