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The current talent landscape has recruiters and talent acquisition feeling the pressure. Hiring managers are desperate to find top talent in a highly competitive market with a list of job responsibilities and skills requirements that can make your head spin. With inbound applications often missing the mark on needed requirements or coming up as a poor fit, many talent acquisition teams are relying more on candidate sourcing to fill their pipelines. 

Traditional talent search methods often lead to many highly qualified candidates going unnoticed or recruiters spending endless hours combing through candidate profiles, cross-referencing criteria, reviewing candidate profiles, or spending top-dollar going to specialized search agencies.

During this session, Jana Lass, VP Marketing at Censia, a leading provider of Talent Intelligence Technology, will discuss a new way to look at talent search using a combination of unique correlated attributes to help you find top talent quickly, spend less time searching for the best quality candidates and more time focusing on connecting with top-fit candidates and ultimately delivering better quality candidates to your hiring managers.