Susan LaMotte
CEO + Principal Strategistexaqueo
Susan LaMotte got her first W-2 at age 14 and hasn't stopped working or thinking about the way people work ever since. She is the founder and CEO of exaqueo (ex-ack-we-o), a premier employer brand experience firm. A 25-year human resources veteran, Susan is known for her work in employer brand, candidate and employee experience, and talent acquisition. She has led engagements with organizations including CVS Health, Google, T-Mobile, Lyft, and Dunkin'. Prior to founding exaqueo, she served in several HR leadership roles for The Ritz-Carlton and Marriott International. Susan’s work ethic is spurred by music, yoga, café au laits, and a bit of Philadelphia-born honesty. She lives with her husband and two beach-loving kids in Charleston, South Carolina.
9:15 –9:55 AM PDT —
Building and maintaining relationships with candidates and employees requires constant attention, resources, and investment. Just like consumer branding and marketing, you have to attract, maintain, and build ambassadors for your brand. In an era where candidates have access to an exceptional amount of information and opportunities for employment, it’s more important than ever to show the value, cost savings, and bottom-line impact of branding and marketing the entirety of the employment experience.
In this session, Susan will take you through four top-line examples of the cost impact of employer brand so you can demonstrate to your leaders the importance of your work.